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Category: style formula & photoshoot


Article by — Tim and Paris, elopement planners

​Photoshoot style depends NOT on:


X photographers style


X how shy or confident you are in front of the camera


X And definitely not on how many previous photoshoot experiences you had



The whole photoshoot style depends on your OUTFITS.


Dress length and style will define the posing, and posing always defines the photoshoot style.

Let’s look at examples:


Long beautiful dress and a classic pose

If you are wearing a long princess ballgown that does not show any legs and does not allow a lot of lower body movement, you will have classic wedding photos. Yes, pretty staged and posed, but still beautiful. Why? Because it is almost not possible to run, dance, sit and have fun wearing this type of puffy dress.


A dress that does not show legs equals modest posing.


And almost always classic photos.

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Dress with a cut shows legs and allows free movement like walking

If you are wearing a dress that shows legs, you can expect a fun, and modern photo poses.


Because your dress allows and shows movement.

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Dress with a cut shows legs and allows free movement like sitting

So if you want to have passionate and fun poses where the couple is super sexy with one another, you’ll have to wear a dress that shows legs or at least a dress with a cut.


Long puffy dress does not allow movement poses

Long dress and movement photoshoot don’t go together, just not possible. Because you can’t properly walk and do it actively wearing this dress. You may tell me: "but Helene, why can't I wear my mermaid dress and do running and kissing poses, what is the problem?" It is almost technically impossible! If you put on your mermaid dress plus heels and try to run, you will see that train does not allow anything except tiny micro steps.


The groom can not approach and hug because of the puffy skirt. Overall posing and moving in a long dress is super difficult.

To summarize:




If you already got a long bridal gown, but you still would like to get some crazy in love, and fun sexy photos, we recommend getting a second short dress or a suit. You can order it on Asos, for example:

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A selection of affordable short dresses on Asos

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Or a suit! Why not?

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